UINT CCountlinesDlg::GetLineCountForFiles (CString& csStartFolder, CString& csFileSpec, BOOL bRecurse) { UINT uRetVal = 0; HANDLE hFF = 0; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; int iDotIndex=0; CString csPath ; CString csFile ; CString csSubPath ; CString csTgt; CString csExtension; CString csUpperFileSpec = csFileSpec; csUpperFileSpec.MakeUpper(); m_csOutputDir = csStartFolder ; UpdateData (FALSE); csTgt = csStartFolder + "\\*.*"; hFF = FindFirstFile (csTgt,&wfd); if (hFF != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (strcmp (wfd.cFileName, ".") && strcmp (wfd.cFileName, "..") && bRecurse) { // recurse into the subdir: csSubPath = csStartFolder + "\\" + wfd.cFileName; uRetVal += GetLineCountForFiles (csSubPath,csFileSpec,bRecurse); } } else { // Is this one of the target files ? csFile = wfd.cFileName; iDotIndex = csFile.ReverseFind ('.'); csExtension = csFile.Right (csFile.GetLength() - (iDotIndex+1)); csExtension.MakeUpper (); if (csExtension == csUpperFileSpec) { csFile = csStartFolder + "\\" + wfd.cFileName; uRetVal += CountLinesIn (csFile); m_csOutputFile.Format ("%s : %u", wfd.cFileName, uRetVal); UpdateData (FALSE); } } while (FindNextFile (hFF, &wfd)) { if (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (strcmp (wfd.cFileName, ".") && strcmp (wfd.cFileName, "..") && bRecurse) { // recurse into the subdir: csSubPath = csStartFolder + "\\" + wfd.cFileName; uRetVal += GetLineCountForFiles (csSubPath,csFileSpec,bRecurse); } } else { // Is this one of the target files ? csFile = wfd.cFileName; iDotIndex = csFile.ReverseFind ('.'); csExtension = csFile.Right (csFile.GetLength() - (iDotIndex+1)); csExtension.MakeUpper(); if (csExtension == csUpperFileSpec) { csFile = csStartFolder + "\\" + wfd.cFileName; uRetVal += CountLinesIn (csFile); m_csOutputFile.Format ("%s : %u", wfd.cFileName, uRetVal); UpdateData (FALSE); } } } } return uRetVal; }